Wednesday, July 11, 2012

2 Days to go...and the WIG

Gabriella's surgery is in 2 more days.  I've intentionally kept myself busy so I don't have to sit around and worry about it.   I'm anxious about it.  Even though I know she is in good hands, I'm still nervous.  Just the other day, we found out that the plans have changed, yet again.

They will be moving one of Gabriella's ovaries for sure but the other is to be determined because the lymph overlaps with that ovary.  They will be doing an exam and marking the primary tumor site for radiation.  We just found out that they will be doing more biopsies as well.  These will be sent to pathology and they will be able to determine the "dose" of radiation to kill the cancer but preserve the good cells as much as they can.  This is a good thing.  I just wish I would have known about the biopsies before.  There are so many doctors involved with G's care that there is bound to be a miscommunication (or a lack of communication) somewhere.  I asked Dr. Aftandilian if I could be a part of this planning or at least know what they are talking about but she reminded me that I have to be a mom in this process, not a nurse.  It's more difficult than I realized.  I just want to know what they are saying and planning!!

Waiting for the pathology reports will also set the start of radiation back one to two weeks.  We were initially told that we would start a couple of days after the surgery.  I have been busy fixing up the RV in order for us to start living up there during the week starting next week.  We are now looking at the beginning of August.  Ugg.  Adam and I look at it as another setback.  The doctors see it as part of the plan.  I don't know.  I'm sure the overall outcome will be the same but its very unsettling to know that information given to us will be missed sometimes.  Plus, I just want to get radiation over with!

On another note, we got Gabriella's wig!!  I just love the fact that so many wonderful people donated their own locks to the wig and how much it signifies the support we've received.  It is a beautiful color of brown with little golden blonde highlights throughout.  They managed to combine all the brown, blonde, golden and light blonde hair into one beautiful piece!  Gabriella has put it on a couple of times but says its a little itchy. Lol!  I think she loves being bald and beautiful!  I actually love her being bald and beautiful as well.  Just having this wig for me is a wonderful reminder of the kind gestures that all of you helped create.  She can wear it as she wants but mostly keep it and look back as a reminder of how many people came forward to support her and our family!  Thank you to everyone who helped in this creation!!

Some purple and pink flowers for fun!

Bridgy enjoyed putting it on too!

My beautiful girl!

So fun!



  1. Not only does G have top-notch medical care (though the miscoummincation kinda sucks), but most importantly, she has the BEST MOMMY IN THE WORLD (and Daddy, too)!!

  2. Wig or no wig clearly G's beauty comes from within. Her beautiful angel face is just a bonus.

    Bridgy is feeling the wig action!

    God bless G and diva B!
