Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Week 2

It is Wednesday morning, Gabriella has her second round of chemo today. Kristin and I are both apprehensive as always about new procedures. Honestly I think that Gabriella will handle all of this much better than we will. Her port will be accessed today at LPCH, they will draw blood, test it, and then give her chemo. We have the option of having a home care nurse come to the house Mondays and draw the blood but right now we think the least amount of times the port is accessed the better. Gabriella spent the day yesterday playing with her neighborhood friends without a care in the world. She has become so comfortable with her port that she was trying to get the neighbor kids to feel the bump. They wholehearted refused. She is eating well and very happy right now. All of the prayers and well wishes are paying off and we truly believe that.

Team G


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