Tuesday, March 20, 2012

some pics of G

The kids eating popcorn and watching Tangled. From left: Lauren, G, Lukas, and Kiana.

One of the bravest people I know and her dad leaving the hospital.

1 comment:

  1. Kristin,

    Brit called me this weekend and shared the news about Gabriella. My heart breaks for you guys. I read your entire blog and so many memories come flooding back. I'm sure Brit told you about our son, Carter, who was diagnosed in April 2009 with hepatoblastoma (liver cancer) at 22 months old. Carter endured 6 rounds of chemotherapy and a liver transplant. We are living proof that you will get through this, and your lives will be richer because of it. These children are so incredibly resilient, and they have more courage than you could ever imagine. Keep staying optimistic, even on the worst of days...because it will probably be a bumpy road. But, eventually, it will all be in your past and you'll have this blog to reflect back on and share with Gabriella to show her that she conquered cancer! Hold on tight to each other!! You'll be in our thoughts and prayers. Please let me know if you ever want to chat, I've been there. Keep fighting Gabriella!!!

    Kara (Lesh) Kipp
